Photo albums
Film photography

Collage 13 pictures White Multi-picture frame

Why Not Gollage Multi-Picture Frame

Collage 8 pictures double PP, Black Multi-picture frame
Kaivokatu 5, 53100 Lappeenranta, Finland
IsoKristiina Shopping Center, K-floor
Downstairs, opposite Alko
Visiting hours
Monday - Friday 9 am - 6 pm
Saturday 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday Closed

Passport photos immediately
Passport photos quickly without an appointment. We deliver the photos either electronically to the police or, if you prefer, we can print the photo for you.
We also provide photos for visas, driver's licenses, residence permits, channel permits, authority cards, construction site cards and passports of other countries. Whatever your photo needs, we can provide you with the right photo.
We also photograph small children. The store has barrier-free access to passport photos.
We provide passport photos for any foreign country. Immigration photos and visa photos. Photos for permits and licenses.

We bring your video cassettes into the digital age. We digitize your video cassettes and save them on a flash drive or, if you prefer, on a DVD. VHS and VHS-C cassettes, MiniDV, Video8 and HI8 tapes quickly for €19.90/cassette.
We also digitize film.
We also digitize old photographs, films and slides.